Our Three Point Charge Good Friday Service was held at St. Andrew’s By-The-Sea at South Baymouth in the evening at 7:30 p.m.. Various congregational members took part in a skit and readings depicting the Easter Story. Pat Hall and her mother Jean McCauley sang the hymn “Tell Me the Story of Jesus” together. It adds so much to our Church services when people share their talents with us.
The Easter Sunrise Service was held on Easter Sunday morning at Fossil Hill, Highway 6 at 7:30 a.m. with approximately 45 people in attendance. The morning was brisk, calm and beautiful. Hot beverages and sweets were provided by the St. Andrew’s congregation to keep us warm during the service.
The service was lead by our Rev. Martin Garniss, with his wife Linda providing the readings. Hymns were sung to music provided by Kim Hall on his guitar. He later accompanied his mom Pat, as she sang a song she wrote entitled “It’s His Love”. This Mother and Son duo provided a lovely addition to the service making it even more special. What a talented family!!
Following the service most returned to Knox United Church Hall in Manitowaning to get warmed up and have even more of St. Andrew’s delicious treats. Later we all scattered to get ready for our respective church services on in the morning.
Following are random pictures taken at the Sunrise Service this year.